Grammar Mistakes
The number of grammar mistakes a candidate makes must be kept to a minimum. Many students have problems with tense (either present, past or future). These are fundamental errors and need to be kept to a bare minimum.
Many mistakes will result in the grammar score being penalised. For example, candidates who make many errors during the course of the answers will probably get a 5 for grammar.
Candidates need to be aware that grammar also means that spoken sentences should be of a variety. That is, use simple, compound and complex sentences. An example of a useful complex sentence is: “I need to learn English, which is very useful, because it can help me get a rewarding job”.
In addition, many students do not shift from the active to the passive. Shifting from one to another demonstrates that the candidate has a variety of grammatical structures available to them.
Furthermore, candidates do not use enough conditional sentences, modals and comparative structures. It is always important to compare things to other things so that examiners can understand exactly what you are trying to communicate.
For example, a Chinese person’s idea of tasty is different to a westerner’s idea of tasty. So, to enable the examiner to understand your idea of tasty, compare it to something. Say something such as, “Food cooked in hotpots is tastier than food cooked on a barbecue”.
In the same way, a candidate ought to say (about home-cooked food), “My mother’s cooking is better than any restaurant I have ever been to”. In this way, the candidate is comparing their mother’s cooking with the food from a restaurant.
u 考官再三强调:在雅思口语考试中,语法错误必须减到最小,才能保证拿高分。而语法错误里面最大的一块就是时态问题,朗阁海外考试研究中心也注意到很多中国考生非常不善于使用过去时,在描述事件或经验的时候,这一点就很吃亏了。
u 语法错误的扣分远比大家想象的要严重许多。在整个回答过程中频繁出错的考生最多只能拿5分。
u 考官提示大家,讲口语其实和写作文一样,你必须讲出“花样”来,学会使用简单句、复合句以及复杂句。朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生最好的方式是把这些难易程度不同的句子穿插起来讲,体现出一种variety。
u 针对中国考生只会用主动语态,不懂得使用被动语态的“先天缺陷”,考官提出了严重批评。语态的切换能有效地展示你的语法结构多样性。
u 在老外的生活口语中,条件句、情态动词和形容词的比较级可以说比比皆是。可惜的是,中国考生却并不怎么使用。考官特意提醒诸位“烤鸭”:多使用比较级会让考官更清楚你想表达的内容。其实,考官还漏说一条,形容词的最高级也是增强口语表现力的一大法宝。
u 在考官举的两个例子里面,为了说明中国人心目中的tasty概念,最好就是拿两种食物/烹饪方式(比如这里的hotpot和 barbecue,以及mother’s cooking和food from a restaurant)来进行比较。“不怕不识货,就怕货比货”,凡事一经过比较就明了许多了。
u 资深雅思口语考官指出了中国考生在语法方面的种种问题,朗阁海外考试研究中心将其归纳为四个字:补漏 + 变化。“补漏”就是尽量把一些低级的语法错误减少,提高在讲话过程中自我纠错的意识。这些低级错误包括:1、时态;2、名词单复数;3、主谓一致;4、人称指代(很多学员一开始讲the woman,接下来却老是用he, he, he来进行指代。我会中间打断说,“刚才那女的啥时候去韩国做过变性手术啦?”结果引得满堂学生大笑!)
u “变化”的含义是在语法结构上做文章:1、在简单句、复合句和复杂句之间来回变化;2、时常想到把主动语态的句子变成被动语态来讲;3、把单调的形容词原形转化为比较级、甚至最高级来进行更生动的表现。