1. You can do anything, but you can't do everything.你能做任何事,但你没法做所有事。
Life has an infinite number of possibilities and your ability to achieve success is limited only by your imagination. However, there are always trade-offs and sometimes moving in one direction prevents you from moving in another。人生有无数的可能,而你获得成功的能力也仅仅受到你想象力的限制。然而,有时候总是要顾此失彼,往一个方向的行动也会导致你就无法往另一个方向行动。
2. You can't argue somebody out of a belief.你没法改变别人的信念。
Most people think their beliefs result from objective fact. Actually, people organize and interpret facts according to their beliefs. Therefore, the more facts that you marshal for your argument, the less the other person is likely to change beliefs。大多数人认为他们的信念是基于客观的事实。但事实上,人们是在根据自己的信念来组织和解释事实。所以,你越是为你的说法列举事实,你就越难改变另一个人的信念。
3. Pressure creates resistance.压力带来阻力。
The natural human reaction to being pushed is to push back. This is why the "hard sell" doesn't work today and, indeed, has never worked. It's also why heavy-handed management techniques always fail。当人们被推时,自然的反应是推回去。这就是为什么“强行推销”在今天不起作用,事实上,从来都不起作用。这也是为什么铁腕的管理策略总是失败的原因。
4. All you can change are your thoughts and actions.你所能改变的仅仅是你的想法和行动。
Most of the misery and disappointment in life and in business emerges from the fruitless quest to 1) make other people change and 2) change the course of outside events. All you truly control is how you think, what you say, and what you do。生活和工作中大多数的痛苦和失望来自大量的对1)让别人作出改变以及2)改变外界事物的需求。但你真正所能控制的全部只是你自己的想法、说法和做法。
5. You never know what other people are thinking.你永远不知道其他人在想什么。
Everyone in the world has three faces. The first they present to the world at large, the second they share with their friends and family, and the third they keep completely to themselves。世界上的每个人都有三面。第一面是他们展现给世界的,第二面是他们展现给家人和朋友的,而第三面是他们完完全全隐藏起来的。
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