You have done a great job and worked hard to learn English. You have even proven your ability to speak English and to use English every day. But how much do you really know about the English world? Can you answer questions like, where does chocolate come from, how many stars are on the American Flag, or who wrote Grimm’s Fairy Tales? Think you know the answers? Come and accept the challenge. Show everyone how much you really know and you could be the next champion of the Pop Quiz Challenge!
挑战你的智力,展示你的才能!来参加我们的Pop Quiz挑战赛吧!让大家都知道你学识渊博,有可能你就是下一个Pop Quiz王!
时间:2012年7月29日 星期日 16点
举办:广州韦博江南西中心 POP Quiz(Final) 脑力大比拼---英语问答比赛(决赛)
下一篇 >> 2012下半年,还在为你的英语能力烦恼吗?