政府应不应该花钱拯救哪些很少人说的语言,有些人说不应该因为浪费经济资源。..。.discuss both and give your opinion.。..。 task 1 是两个柱图 一是说男女拥有驾照的比例 二是年轻人占其中的比例
小作文 bar chart 图1 total population holding a driving licence,分为males,females。图2,17-20 year old的相应数据,同样分males,females。
大作文大致是 governments should money spend on measures to save languages that are used by few speakers.Others believe its a waste of financial resources.Discuss both views.
G类大作文:the level of noise is increasing 影响生活质量。请分析原因和给出解决方法
最后一次考来回忆一下攒RP 听力貌似比较简单 也不知道是几经哪里的。。第一篇是找工作 第二篇是讲合唱团什么的 第三篇是找培训班第四篇是speech 阅读还是乱七八糟的赶完了 作文就是上面几位说的
阅读第一篇比第三篇难多了,貌似,拿到手吓死。讲什么看不懂,貌似环保类,可持续发展第二篇 写australian 的有种tiger,绝种or 没有绝种第三篇 supermarket /Sale 之类的,感觉这个比较好理解
版本对呀,刚才看了3G的机经,就是这两个。 section1, 听到的不多,刚开始没集中精力。一个女的在找工作,
Supermarket, AOW204(字母记得不清楚,数字应该对),联系一个人Ha。。。,
Other ways suggested: buy a paper, visit a agency, 其他的没记住。
tips: Remember a name as referee.
section 2, 都没有听很清楚啊,这次挂了, 5555
A: Mic.。.
B: Blakev.。..。
C:C.。 Choir
1. a special type: C (蒙的)
2. social events:A
3~5 顺序没记住,charity, first CD,XXX, 答案我填的是BAB
刚考完,第一次写,多多包涵下听力:第一部分 一个女学生准备去打工,是1个表格,内容为:工作地点名字,还有个括号写公司类型,然后是工作内容,时间,和xxx。5—10,只记得到是在哪找工作,面试要带的东西 section 2,是一个电台讨论3个乐队,其中有个是唱诗班的 section 3,是个男的询问关于报班的事情,是选择题和表格,主要是computer courses和photography ,要填名字,学生要带的东西,学校准备的东西。最后是填表格,要填地址,level和xxx section 4,是个男的讲公众演讲的,讲人们演讲紧张主要是因为speech很重要,然后是一些注意事项。 阅读 section 1:是讲仿生学的,简单。 section 2:讲塔斯马尼亚的一种老虎 section 3:关于商店卖东西的技巧 写作: task 1: 是两个bar charts,第一个是男女拥有drive license 的比例比较,共有6组,第二是男女拥有drive license17-20年的比较,只有1999和2004年的比较。题目大概是:the charts show the people who held a drive license in a european country in a various of years from 1976 to 2004 task 2 题目大概是:some people think that governments should spend money to save languages whose have few users from dying out. others think it will limit the finance resource
V05101 这题没有考啊!
1—3选择题 BAC
1 为什么要选择电脑课程吧
A expensive(肯定错了啊,女的说cheap 的) B popular C full
2 问Page 15 页上的信息 :sports and games
3 THE man thought CRAFT COURSE is for :experienced people
(原文,男的说自己far behind them)
Students provide
Furniture of ×× Own
4 pieces of furniture
5 Picture framingPhotos and pictures
6 all backing materials
摄影什么的 相机 The 7 dark room facilities
8 地址 Waverlint/Waverton
9 level 填beginner10 付费方式by cash
明天考口语,今天来攒人品哇。。听力:第一题 讲一个女人找工作的 warehouse 跟一个人的名字 hxxx的还有一个是supermarket 表格:说需要带什么东西 需要一个name做referee 要记得填一个feedback form 第二题,合唱的啊配对题 3个合唱诗团各自的特点和成就(有些难)说什么有特别的歌啦发行了record了啊为什么要举办合唱:使他们escape from work(大概这意思吧)合唱的作用:改善了员工意见的relationship 某某合唱团现在又多少人:我选19个,但是后面又跑了个12,我不知道是不是漏听啥了啊什么时候合唱:中午的时候(貌似说其他时段没有时间,不好协调)公司提供的支持:为培训班付费了第四题:很简单啊机经里头全有答案 然道:这次只靠了一题机经 作文:前面滴同学说得很清楚了 阅读:不是特别难第一题:生物科技有配对题,选择题,还有填空题作者认为生物科技的引用:可以改变人与自然的关系第二题:一种像狗的虎,第一个 striped coat 第二个Australia(还是Auatralian)4000years ago消失了,只有mastania岛有,但是随着Europeans的进入,连最后的消失了。。配对题,人名和观点还有两题选择?第三题:销售策略除了段落配对外,都挺好做的选择,段落配对,还有填空购物篮的引用是为了 customer spend more time on shopping 好的销售员是能够有various products to suit different customer 第一空忘记了从loyalty card里面得到信息一个什么example 是comestic 说顾客买衣服时要让他们觉得他们是a part of group(填group)
听力第一题说的是找工作什么的,有个空是supermarket, 还有个号是AWR21(记不清),有哪些方式找工作,面试时要带什么,最后要填feedback。第二是合唱团,没听懂蒙的。第三和第四都是机经。一个是 v05101的section1,还有一个讲的是演讲技巧,观众会更紧张如果演讲important ,还说演讲is not a gift,还有don\‘tread your talk, 正在找是那篇机经 阅读第一题是生物科技的,分三个level,人们做的跟这有关的事情,有配对题,选择题,T/F题,第二题是说一种老虎,以前在Australia,后来气候转变去了Tasmania,后来Europeans进入了怎么怎么样,有人名配对题,填空题,选择题。第三题,对超市销售的建议,还举了例子,选择题,填空题,段落配对题
听力第四题,如何做presentation, 来源v06111 section4 1,people will be more nervous if the lecture is “important” 2,演讲技能is not a “gift”,it can be learned 3“one or two”ideas 4 make it shot and “time”yourself 5,“well-organized” 6,you can begin when audience “pay attention” 7,don\’t “tead your talk” 8,you can write it down on a cards or “a sheet of paper“ 9,”in full“ 10”time it takes“
写作要求discuss both views,我只讨论了一边。。。悲剧了
1. 第一篇是一个女生找实习工作,前几道题是表格: 公司 职位空缺vacancy 实习课编号 联系方式
1) warehouse 2)H..vernten不确定,读的挺快的
3)supermarket 4)balcony? 好像是这个音 5) ARW204接下来是填空:
Another way to find a job:
a)enter into the shops along the streets for 6) advertisement? 不确定,听着没这么长 for a job.
b)buy a 7)paper
c) no need to visit a 8)agency --可惜我这个音一直记得,就是忘了是这个单词了,哎。。。。
About the interview:
you can find your 9)tutor as a referee
in the end you need fill the 10) feedback form.
Section 2 我基本上不怎么记得了,给大家尽可能的回忆,提供一点基本信息吧
Section 2 introduces 3 choirs, they are:
A. Mill..mon 。.. choir
B. Bair.。. choir
C. Crine.。..。..。..choir
remember the first name of each choir which will be frequently mentioned in the test.
1. the choir play special type of music: 我记得C提到过classical music
2. do social activities: A好像帮助disable persons
4. charity
5. release their first CD: 好像是C
6. 为什么选择参加choir
7. 公司参加choir的好处: relationship
8. B。。 choir的人数: 先说一开始7个, 再什么19个,然后又说了个12,晕了。
9. rehearse的时间: 我选的是lauch time
10. 公司如何资助? 我选的是funding.。 其他选择A)buy play clothes C) 。..
不是,tiger是已经在Australia灭绝的物种,但有些生物学家说又看到这个dog-like的物种,还引来了全球媒体的关注;还有些科学家家说:可能关于这种tiger灭绝的论证是错了,因为有个叫《c..e..o.。》的fish本来早该在几千年前灭绝的却又在 Australia出现过;。..。文章最后是说,research应该focus在现在endangered的species,而不是这种tiger。
session 1 find a part-time job 1 factory 2 Hitchertoner (cannot remember the exact spelling) 3 supermarket 4 bakery 5 ARW204 6 advertisements 7 paper/newspaper 8 agency 9 use a tutor as referee 10 feedback form session 2 about 3 choirs (a bit difficult) 1 B (answer should be C) 2 A (arrange other social events) 3 A (won a prize) 4 C (issue a CD record) 5 A (charity) 6 how many members in a choir? 19 7 at lunch time 8 joining a choir can help improve relationship in cooperative colleagues 9 how does the company help the choir? B by some social events session 3 choose a course 1 computer course is popular 2 page 15 is about sports and games 3 craft course requires experience 4 piece of furniture 5 picture framing 6 backing materials (i wrote packing instead of backing, but backing makes more sense) 7 darkroom 8 Waverton 9 beginner 10 cash session 4 how to do a speech 1 get nervous when the speech is important 2 gift 3 audience can remember one or two ideas 4 well-organised 5 the last thing you say 6 time yourself 7 start your speech when audience are paying attention 8 dont read your talk 9 make notes on a sheet of paper 10 dont write your speech in full cannot remember the readings but they were not difficult speaking part: talk about your hometown what is it famous for? where do you usually read news? what kind of new do you like to read? the cue card is about an outdoor activity part 3 i was asked to compare the young and the old, who would like to do outdoor activities more? how do outdoor activities benefit you? what does the government do to help the outdoor activities?