
其实小编也觉得大家备考时准备好的各种应对策略是有所作用的,的确能给考官一个明朗的反应无疑是一个good beginning,不过a good beginning helps to make a good end,我们还要优化一下自己的回答方式和内容。
例如被问到Why do people like watching the movies? 一考虑通常会想到broaden eyesight、improve relationship或者visual enjoyment这样的一些回答点;又比如说被问到Can you explain the importance of learning English? 我们又立刻想到了easy communication with foreigner、get a good job、help to be independence之类的回答点。
比如说上文问到的why do people like watching the movie,我们想到了broaden eyesight这个点,可以说说现在欧美国家在这样的多维成像技术有着如何突破,再接上自己看了某部知名电影的一些真实体验,再加上自己的一些正面感觉,把一个客观事实带进自己的经历里面,再添加一点社会现实与自己当时的感受,能勾起考官的情绪之余,也能让你的回答更加生动。
Q: Why do people like watching the movie?
As a movies lover, I suppose that most of the people like watching the
movie due to the various ways it show and the various emotions it convey
to us. You know, the multidimensional technology is getting more and
more amazing and plays a more-and-more important role in our
entertainment. Once I watched the Avengers 2, I felt the characters as
Captain America, the iron man, etc are so closed to me as if they are
really standing next to me. Moreover, when some things throw straight
forwards the camera in the movie, I thought it’s really going to hit me.
What an amazing effect it gave me from just a screen and the scenes. It
makes more and more people like watching the movie, including me.