今天环球雅思小编给大家带来的是雅思口语关于对待Part 1的一些作战攻略,希望能帮助到各位烤鸭。

Strategies for Improving Answers
Strategy 1: Extending Answer 拓展答案
Q: Do you like shopping for clothes?
A: Oh yes, I LOVE it! It’s my favourite free time activity. I think I speand far too much money, though, and I’d spend more if I had it!
Q: Do you think that we spend too much time sitting in front of computers?
A: Well, I suppose we do, but I think it’s OK as long as we make sure we get exercise as well. I think we’re all probably too sedentary nowadays.
Q: Which do you prefer, getting an email or a text message?
A: Oh, I prefer emails, because I work in front of a computer all day so this is easy for me. I’m not very good at texting. I know I’m a bit old-fashioned.
Q: Have you ever cooked a meal for your family?
A: Well, I haven’t
actually. My mum tends to do all the cooking in our house. But I did
bake some biscuits once. They were terrible! No one would eat them.
Q: When did you watch your first movie in a cinema?
A: I can’t
really remember; it was so long age. But I do remember very clearly
going to see Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. I was so scared that my mum
had to take me out of the movie.
Strategy 2 Pronunciation 发音
œ 25%
of your score for IELTS Speaking is for pronunciation. It is very hard
to change your first language phonemes (sounds) and accent, but here are
a few items to think about.
œ Speed–
Not too slow, BUT not too fast! You will be penalized if you speak too
slowly, as this is an indicator of a lack of fluency. Equally be aware
that speaking too quickly might affect the clarity of your speech. Try
to speak naturally and at a steady pace.
œ Pausing and word stress–
Use pause and stressed words to break up your speaking. You will not be
penalized if you pause occasionally; in fact, you will be penalized if
there are no pauses in your speaking. Check the correct word stress in a
dictionary where you are unsure. Making errors in word stress can cause
confusion for a listener.
œ Intonation (voice going up and down) –
Try to vary your intonation. If you want to stress something, speak
louder and use a rise / fall intonation. (e.g. It was lovely!)
œ Sentence stress
is another way to add meaning to what you say. You can say the same
sentence in different ways but change the meaning by stressing different
words. Think about the difference between these sentences:
œ I said she might consider a NEW car.
œ I said she might consider a new CAR.
œ Accent
is not directly assessed. It is only a factor if your accent affects
how intelligibly or clearly you speak. There is no preference for a
specific accent, for example British or American accent. Any is
œ 语音占雅思口语评分比重的25%。要改变母语的音位(发音)和口音是很难的,但可以考虑从一下几方面进行提高。
œ 语速——不要太慢,但也不要太快!语速太慢表明缺乏流利性,将被扣分。同理,要明白语速太快可能会影响话语的清晰度。要尽量说得自然、匀速。
œ 停顿与单词重音——使用停顿与重读单词将话语切分成段。如果偶尔出现暂停,不会被扣分。实际上,如果在表述过程中没有任何停顿,将会被扣分。如果不确定单词重音的未知,应查字典。单词重音读错会让听者困惑不解。
œ 语调(声音的高低变化)——要尝试着变化语调。如果要强调某一点,提高音量并且使用升调/降调。(例如:It was lovely!)
œ 句子重音也能为说话内容增添含义。你可以用不同的方式说同一个句子,但强调不同的单词便改变了句子的意思。思考下列句子的不同:
œ I said she might consider a NEW car.
œ I said she might consider a new CAR.
œ 口音不是雅思口语考试的直接评测因素,除非你的口音影响到了表述的可辨性与清晰度。考试不偏向任何一种口音,例如英式或美式口音。任意口音均可。