What to Expect
l In
part 2 of the speaking test, you will be given 1 minute to prepare a
1-2 minutes’ talk on a topic. This topic will be related to your
personal experience or your dreams for the future.
l After your long turn, the examiner will ask one or two rounding off questions.
l 在口语考试第二部分中,会给你1分钟时间来就某个话题准备1-2分钟的陈述。这个话题可能是你的个人经历或是你未来的梦想。
l 你做完长段陈述后,考官会问一两个问题来结束本部分考试。
l Typical topics are:
l … (a book, movie, TV programme …) you like / have watched
l A time when you … (got some help from someone, worked very hard to achieve a goal, gave someone some advice …)
l … (a place, building) you have visited / would like to visited / would like to visit
l A sports event, family occasion, happy day …
l A person who … (you like, admire, would like to meet, is important to you …)
l An object / a thing … (you really like, your bought recently, you would like to own …)
l 常见话题包括:
l 你喜欢/看过的……(一本书,一部电影,一个电视节目……)
l 一次你……(获得别人帮助,为了达到某个目标而努力,给别人建议……)的经历
l 你参观过/想参观的……(一个地方,一座建筑……)
l 一次体育赛事,一个家庭的重要时刻,愉快的一天……
l 一个……(你喜欢,你钦佩,你想见,对你来说很重要……)的人
l (你非常喜欢,你最近购买,你想拥有)的一件东西/事情
l Read
your topic carefully: most topics ask you to talk about your past
experience, but some of them ask you to talk about your future dreams or
plans (see the bolded topics above). This will affect the verb tenses
(time references) in your response.
l 仔细阅读题目:大部分题目要求探探你的过去经历,但有些要求谈论你的未来梦想或者计划(参照上文题目)。这将影响你在回答中所使用的动词时态(即时间参照)。
Strategies for improving Answer
Strategy 1: Using Your PlanningTime
l The
topic card will include some cue questions to help you to plan your
answer. These cue questions typically ask “wh” questions (when, where,
why …) and then there will be a final, opinion cue question at the end.
l 话题卡上会包含几个提示性问题,以帮你组织自己的回答。这些提示性问题通常是特殊疑问句(什么时间,什么地点,什么原因……)。最后一个会用一个收尾的提示性问题来询问你的观点。
l If
you don’t understand a word on the topic card, or you want to check the
task, ask immediately. The examiner will give you a brief answer to
help you to understand. Don’t waste time wondering what the topic means!
l The
cue questions on the topic card are included to help you to prepare
your answer. However, you will not be penalized if your talk does not
follow all the cues on the card. It is more important to talk fluently
and to keep going for 2 minutes than to cover all the points on the
topic card.
l Remember,
this is a test of speaking, not of your experience! Do not panic if you
have no experience with the topic. For example, you can talk about
someone else’s experience instead of your own, or say that you can’t
remember a funny movie, but you do remember a sad one.
l Do not worry if the examiner stops you. You are allowed to speak for only 2 minutes.
l 如果不明白话题卡上的某个单词,或者想要明确陈述人物,应马上提问。考官会做简短回答帮助你理解。不要在弄清题目意思上浪费时间!
l 话题卡上的提示性问题旨在帮助你准备作答。但是,如果你的陈述没有全部按照卡上的提示来作答,不会被扣分。流利、不间断的两分钟作答要比把话题卡上的信息点说完更重要。
l 记住:这是口语考试,而不是个人经历考试!如果没有与话题相关的经历,不必慌张。例如,你可以谈一谈别人而不是自己的经历,或者告诉考官你想不起一部有趣的电影,但是记得一部伤感的电影。
l 如果考官打断你,不用担心。只给你两分钟的陈述时间。