
Task Type 4: Notes, Tables, Flow Chart Completion 笔记、表格、图表填空题
l Understand details and / or main ideas.
l Complete
the gaps in the notes, table or flow chart with information from the
text (the instructions will tell you how many words and / or numbers you
can use);
l Select from a list of answers (there will always be more words than gaps).
l The answer will not necessarily occur in the same order as in the text.
l 这种题型需要理解细节和/或大意。
l 使用文中的信息完成笔记、表格或流程图中的填空(指令会去说明可以填写多少个单词和/或数字);
l 从答案选项表中选择答案(选项数目总是多于空格数目);
l 答案出现的顺序不一定与文中出现的顺序相同。
Tip: Using Given Information
l Use
the title to help you locate the right part of the text. With a table
you can use the column headings to narrow down your search. Use the
notes or parts of the table or flow chart that have no gaps to help you
find the answers and determine how to answer correctly within the world
l 使用标题帮助在文中准确定位。如果是表格,可使用列标题缩小搜索范围。使用没有空格的笔记内容或者表格或流程图的部分内容帮助寻找答案,并决定如何在词数限制内正确回答。
Exercise 练习
Read the following extract and fill in the gaps in the table below,
four longest rivers in the world are located in four different
continents. That at least is measure the length of such enormous rivers
and there is also sometimes disagreement on where a river actually
starts and finishes. The Nile, beginning at Lake Victoria, is Africa’s
longest river, negotiating its 6,650 kilometre journey to the
Mediterranean Sea through the land which has been used continuously for
over 6,000 years.
Amazon in South America is the largest but not the longest river,
starting high in the Peruvian Andes and flowing for much of its 6,400
kilometre length parallel to and not far from the Equator, eventually
emptying into the Atlantic Ocean.
Yangtze, with its source in the Kunlun Mountains of Tibet, is China’s
most important internal waterway and travels 6,300 kilometres to the
Yellow Sea.
fourth longest river of the world is the Mississippi=Missouri, the
source of which was not discovered until 1832 when it was traced to Lake
Itasca in Minnesota. It deposits rich silt in the delta where it ends
its 6,275 kilo metre journey and flows into the Gulf of Mexico.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Top Four Longest Rivers in the World |
River |
Length in kilometers |
Continent |
Source |
End |
Nile |
1.____________ |
Africa |
2.__________ |
Mediterranean Sea |
3._________ |
6,400 |
South America |
Peruvian Andes |
4._________ |
5.__________ |
6,300 |
Asia |
Kunlun Mountains |
6.___________ |
Mississippi-Missouri |
7.____________ |
North America |
8.___________ |
Gulf of mexico |
l Both the column heading and the example in the box below show that you need write the number only. (without kilometres)
l This
is an example of answers not occurring in the same order as the text.
However, they are often in the same sentence or not too far apart.
l Although
the rivers are referred to in the text as ‘the Nile’, etc, following
the example in the box above (write the name without ‘the’).
l If you use ‘the’ in the answer, you exceed the word limit – notice how the example in the box above is written. (without ‘the’)
l ‘Lake Itasca in Minnesota’ is too long – notice what was omitted from the name of the source in the box above.
l 本列标题和下面单元格中的例子都表明只写数字即可(不用写“kilometres”)。
l 这是答案没有与文本中出现的顺序一致的例子。然而,它们一般在同一句话中或离得不远。
l 尽管文章中提到河流时用的是the Nile等,但要遵循上面单元格中的例子。(只写名称,不需加the)
l 如果在答案中用了the,则会超出词数限制——注意上面单元格中的例子是如何写的。(不加the)
l Lake Itasca in Minnesota过长——注意上面单元格中河流源头名称忽略了什么。