写在前面 Prelude
其实说起阅读,很多同学有这么一个误区 – 扫清词汇障碍,打好语法基础,那阅读自然就不成问题。但实际上,往往现实和理想差了十万八千里。其实无论是雅思阅读,还是今后大家必须要面对的学术论文阅读,都讲求的是阅读意识,策略的综合应用,而并非拘泥于句子的理解,文章的翻译。这个系列是我们昂立雅思课堂的精华浓缩,在读学员们可以用来回顾课堂内容,巩固阅读能力,也希望能够给屠鸭的考生带来一些实用的雅思阅读小策略,提升阅读意识。
今天给大家介绍的第一个阅读意识是雅思阅读的常用四种基本阅读模式,即Skimming 略读;Scanning 扫读;Intensive Reading 精读以及最后的Skipping 跳读。这些阅读模式可能对于大家不陌生,但是真正了解每种阅读模式的目的,功能的甚少;而能应用在阅读过程中的却是少之又少。其实无论是大家平时阅读练习,或是我们阅读老师课堂发现,都能反映大家阅读速率其实是相对匀速的;其实正确的雅思阅读应该是快慢结合,从而能够保证阅读效率,有助于把握阅读重点。
1. Nailing down reading topic
2. Detecting Writer’s general opinion
3. Commanding the development and structure of the article
其实第一个目标并不难,我们往往能够通过标题,小标题这些文本信息,或是Introductory paragraph 把握,相对复杂的是第二第三个目标,下面我们结合雅思剑桥文章做详细分析。
2.Detecting Writer’s general opinion
文章选自雅思剑5 Test 1 Reading Passage 3
For many environmentalists, the world seems to be getting worse, they have developed a hit-list of our main fears: that natural resources are running out; that the population is ever growing, leaving less and less to eat; that species are becoming extinct in vast numbers, and that the planet's air and water are becoming ever more polluted.
But a quick look at the facts shows a different picture. First, energy and other natural resources have become more abundant, not less so, since the book 'The Limits to Growth' was published in 1972 by a group of scientists...
我们课上反复强调,把握文章逻辑词的重要性,原文第二段一个强转折就表明了作者的general opinion与第一段环境学家的观点向左。作者的主要观点是:环境恶化没有人们所认知的那样严重,之后的行文便是作者的反驳理由。下面大家自行举一反三,文章选自雅思剑10 Test 2 Passage 3。
One of the most famous works of art in the world is Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa. Nearly everyone who goes to see the original will already be familiar with it from reproductions, but they accept that fine art is more rewardingly viewed in its original form.
But despite an implicit recognition that the spread of good reproductions can be culturally valuable, museums continue to promote the special status of original work.
Unfortunately, this seems to place severe limitations on the kind of experience offered to visitors.
3.Commanding the development and structure of the article
Development 和Structure 指的是文章的行文思路和框架结构,往往学生会忽略这一至关重要的阅读意识。其实问问自己,是不是总是根据题目在文章中找不到对应的信息,然后一遍遍地读文章,最后发现时间不够?其实如果把握了文章结构,那么信息的定位也就是第二种阅读模式Scanning 就方便很多。
那么如何把握?其实学术文章逻辑性非常强,文中都有“埋伏”,大家要善于发现这样的Reading Map!!!能够梳理文章脉络。以下文章来自IELTS 5 Test 4 Passage 1
The market for tourism in remote areas is booming as never before. Countries all across the world are actively promoting their 'wilderness' regions - such as mountains, Arctic lands, deserts, small islands and wetlands - to high-spending tourists. The attraction of these areas is obvious: by definition, wilderness tourism requires little or no initial investment. But that does not mean that there is no cost. As the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development recognized, these regions are fragile (i.e. highly vulnerable to abnormal pressures) not just in terms of their ecology, but also in terms of the culture of their inhabitants. The three most significant types of fragile environment in these respects, and also in terms of the proportion of the Earth's surface they cover, are deserts, mountains and Arctic areas.
请看蓝色部分的文字,再结合文章标题THE IMPACT OF WILDNESS TOURISM便不难推测,文章后面就wildness tourism 对于生态环境;人文的破坏展开讨论,而这样的文章最后往往会给出作者的suggestion,所以整篇文章的development和structure就一目了然。