1-5 分之间,5 分是最高分。如果考生没有写作文,未针对题目进行写作,或者未用英文进行写作,那么这部分将得 0
分。在综合写作部分,如果作文全部都是照阅读短文抄下来的,得 0 分;如果只写了有关阅读文章的观点,得 1 分。
托福综合写作需要考生在 3 分钟内阅读完一篇学术性文章,接着听一段与该话题相关的讲座录音,随后就讲座的要点写一篇概述。在概述中,考生需要阐明讲座的主要论点是如何与阅读文章中的观点相互联系的。
1. 包含讲座中的一些确切观点,解释说明和议论。这些内容恰好对阅读文章中的观点提出质疑或与其相反。
2. 陈述各观点时要连贯,准确。用语要恰当,能够准确地表达讲座与阅读文章的观点。
3. 条理清晰,结构连贯。这样的作文能够使读者理解讲座中的观点与阅读文章中的观点是如何相互联系的。
下面一段文字源自于托福官方指南中,对一篇得到满分 5 分的综合作文的评述:
are several erros of spelling, word information, and subject-verb
agreement in this response; however, most of these errors seem to be the
result of typing errors common to first drafts. This writer does an
excellent job of presenting the lecturer's points that contradict the
arguments made in the reading passage. The writer is very specific and
has organized his points so that they are parallel with one another: in
each of the supporting paragraphs, the lecturer's observation of what
really happened is given first, then explicitly connected to a
theoretical point from the reading. The final paragraph contains one
noticeable error ("influent"), which is then used correctly two
sentences later ("influential"). Overall, this is a successful response
and earns a score of 5.
从这份对高分(5 分)的作文的评论中,我们可以分析出,高分作文需要满足以下几点:首先是要能够清晰地表述讲座中的重要信息;其次要能够正确地将讲座的关键信息和阅读材料中的信息进行联系;再次,是整篇文章需要前后一致,条理清晰;最后,语法也很重要,整篇文章要做到语法正确,用词恰当,只允许偶尔几处语言错误。
独立写作部分要求考生针对某个问题提出自己的观点,并在 30 分钟内写出一篇短文。考生需要在作文中的某个问题阐述自己的看法。
下面一段文字源自于托福官方指南中,对一篇得到满分 5 分的综合作文的评述:
this response the writer first approaches the topic by underscoring
that a number of character traits are important to a relationship. The
writer then effectively develops an argument that, unlike other negative
behaviors, dishonesty or unwillingness to fully disclose some bad
action cannot be forgivien and can be the most important factor in
destroying a relationship. The writer's language is fluent, accurate,
and varied enough to effectively support the progression and connection
of ideas. There is a variety of sentence structures, including
rhetorical questions. The essay is not mechanically perfect, but as long
as such errors are occasional, are minor, and do not interfere with the
reader's understanding, an essay like this one can still earn a top