1.Talk to your supervisor and be as direct as possible。与你的上级沟通,有话直说。
Ask why your role is changing and how you can help to continue to add &#118alue within the organization, Find out if the change is based on your performance or a change in strategy, and remember to be as cordial and professional as possible。”
2.Use the opportunity to learn and improve。利用这个机会学习和提升。
If the change is performance based, seek opportunities to improve upon your deficiencies.Ask for a coach or mentor who can help you get back on track. If the change is strategy driven, get more information on what direction the company is heading in and seek out ways to obtain the skills to remain a valuable contributor to the organization。”
3.Ask your supervisor for rewards other than a new title or more money。向你的上级索取奖励而不是一个新的头衔或者更高的薪水
If you're getting additional responsibilities without a promotion or raise, ask your supervisor for some perks, ,Perhaps additional vacation days, longer lunch hours, or the ability to work from home once a week。”
4.Don't complain。不要抱怨。
Avoid complaining about the situation or demonstrating a negative attitude at all cost. Try to take a long term approach given that no matter how difficult the change may be and how severe the impact may be on your career, it will inevitably be a blip in the long run of your career.
5.Maintain a positive attitude。保持积极的态度。
The important thing is to think about the job changes positively.You can be more creative and therefore successful if you are positive。
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