1.You keep old clothes that don’t fit anymore。囤积不合身的旧衣服
Getting rid of your old clothes from yesterday is accepting who you are today, but that’s not something you’re prepared to do. You hang on to the past, clinging to reminders of who you once were, where you’ve been, or what you used to look like, according to New York City-based psychologist Vivian Diller, author of Face It: What Real Women Feel as Their Looks Change。
《面对:抚平容颜易老的焦虑》一书的作者、纽约的心理学家维维安 迪勒认为,虽说扔掉昨天的旧衣服就是接受今天的自己,但往往你并不打算这样做。你沉迷于过去不可自拔,时时刻刻纪念着过去的自己、你曾去过的地方、你从前的样子。
2.Your clothes still have tags on them。衣服标签原封不动。
If your closet is filled with unworn sale items with the tags still on, you may be trying to fill a void in your personal life with the instant high that comes from spending cash, points out US clinical psychologist Jennifer Baumgartner in her book You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You. But overloading on sale items you don’t love is “like having five fat-free cookies instead of one of the real thing”, says Baumgartner。
美国临床心理学家詹妮弗 鲍姆加特纳在自己所著的《穿什么是什么:女性衣着揭示隐藏性格》一书中指出:如果你衣橱里满是标签原封未动、从未上过身的打折衣服,你可能正尝试用消费的即时快感来填补个人生活的空虚。但过多的打折衣物带给你的感觉就好比“一块全脂饼干都不吃,却一口气吃掉五块脱脂饼干”一样。
3.There are logos everywhere。处处皆商标。
If almost everything you own has a logo on it, you may be trying to hide your true identity。
4.Your wardrobe is filled with identical clothing。你衣橱中的衣服千篇一律。
“Women will often say, ‘It’s because I don’t want to think about it, so that’s why I buy the same thing of everything.’ Yet, whenever I would get the chance to dig a little deeper, I would find that there were these unresolved things around career or relationship. Those are the two main things where there was an impending change or a desire to change but it wasn’t being fulfilled or a risk wasn’t being taken,” says DiNunzio。
“女性们经常会说:‘因为不想伤脑筋,我总是买同样的衣服,’然而,每当我有机会来深究其中含义时,我就会发现她们在事业和情感上存在许多尚未解决的事情。尽管这是令她们选择改变或渴望改变的两个重要元素,但是她们却没有这样做,或者说她们没有勇气去冒一下险。”特雷西 迪努兹奥说。
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