An Introduction about Airbnb 大家知道Airbnb吗?
many people don’t know about Airbnb, however, many of my friends who
study English and me have known about Airbnb. One of my friends from
Wuhan made this as an example in his writing of TEM8 (sadly I didn’t
T_T). Now, let me introduce about Airbnb to you all, with a hope that
you can use it as a brilliant example in your writing of IELTS.
Airbnb is a
website for people to rent out lodging. It has over 800,000 listings in
33,000 cities and 192 countries. Founded in August 2008 and
headquartered in San Francisco, California, the company is privately
owned and operated by Airbnb, Inc.
Users of
the site must register and create a personal online profile before using
the site. Every property is associated with a host whose profile
includes recommendations by other users, reviews by previous guests, as
well as a response rating and private messaging system.
mainly provides the services of tourist lodging, homestay, guest houses,
short-term renting, etc, which is a hot choice of lodging industry in
such countries as America and English. As for the market, firstly, the
amount of the customers has been doubled through a year, growing from 15
million people to 35 million. Moreover, the services expanded and
Airbnb had a several financing, the stock market evaluation increased
from 7.8 million to 2 billion, recently even increased to 10 billion
(2015). It is not difficult to figure out that the stock market
evaluation will reach the line of 10 billion in this year.
In the recent time, Airbnb promote a new type of house for renting —— drifting
room. Here comes the pictures . (Downward) It is not only a
breakthrough in lodging concept but also an impressive image in the
design style, which concludes a successful marketing.

或许很多人不知道Airbnb,但小编本人以及小编身边很多学英语的朋友都知道Airbnb这个东西,今年小编一位武汉的朋友考的专八一开始也是引用(虽然小编没有用这个为例子T_T),下面来为各位烤鸭科普一下Airbnb这个东西,希望各位烤鸭能够从中得到帮助,说不定能在雅思写作上举出这么一个高逼格的例子。 :)
Airbnb是AirBed and Breakfast ("Air-b-n-b")的缩写,中文名:空中食宿。空中食宿是一家联系旅游人士和家有空房出租的房主的服务型网站,它可以为用户提供各式各样的住宿信息。
Airbnb主要是是提供旅游住宿、民宿、家庭旅馆、短租等之类的服务,然而Airbnb在英美那边实在是大热的一个住宿选择。市场方面,首先,2011年,Airbnb服务难以置信地增长了800%。其次,仅仅用了一年的时间,Airbnb的客户数翻了一倍,从2014年5月的1500万人增加到3500万人。还有,Airbnb虽然经过多次融资,但市场估值一直在攀升,从上市不久的780万美元增长到2012年的20多亿, Airbnb近几年也有过融资,2014年4月市场估值已经达到将近100亿美元,估计市场估值在今年已经达百亿单位。
