people who have taken tests have probably held a cram session or two in
their lifetimes. They realize that they have a test a couple hours
before it begins and frantically dig through notes, old quizzes, and
worksheets to try to learn as much as is possible before the test.
a test is supposed to be an assessment of real learning. Can cramming
help you actually learn something? Since there isn't a class
specifically designed for "how to study," most people can't answer that
question. (The answer is no!)
short-term memory, or working memory, is what we use when we cram for a
test. This type of memory is what you'd use for remembering your order
number at the dry cleaner's or your friend's cell phone number, but it's
a very poor tool for remembering things you'd like to know in a few
years or a lifetime. In order for knowledge to be ingrained inside a
person – truly stuck in his or her long-term memory – you will need the
following: repetition, time, and application of the material.
1.Repetition for Real Learning
is absolutely necessary to learn anything long-term. Prepare yourself
before you ever get wind of a test coming up by reviewing the material
you learned in class that day. This could be a simple five-minute
read-through of notes or browsing through the chapter you went over and
choosing 2-3 facts that really struck home. Your homework should help
you in that area, but even if you don't have homework, consider it your
nightly mission to go back through what you learned in class that day.
the more varied the repetition, the better it is for real learning. One
night, read through your notes. The next night, sketch a picture of a
major point from the lesson. The next night, create a Venn Diagram
comparing and contrasting two concepts. Bonus? You won't have to go
crazy studying when a test comes up because you'll already know the
2.Time for Real Learning
is also necessary to encapsulate information inside the brain for life,
which is why it's smart to stay on top of the content before the test
day is ever announced. The shorter amount of time you have, the less
repetition you will get. You'll also need to make sure that too much
time doesn't elapse between review sessions, because information
entrenched there can start to fade away if it isn't practiced daily. So,
if you miss a review session, then make sure to pick it up as soon as
is possible the next day. The best advice is to start reviewing the
second you get any new information. Start as early as possible.
3.Application for Real Learning
is also incredibly important for long-term memory. If you can relate
information to your lives in some way - really intersect the two - the
likelihood that you'll remember the information beyond test day
increases exponentially. You can do simple things to apply information
you've learned in class into your daily life. Use a new vocabulary word
in conversation. Bring up the story you're reading in class in your next
Facebook post or Tweet and see the type of responses you get. Post math
problems and see if any of your relatives can answer them.
better, write a story, draw a picture, or make a chart using the
information you've learned. Linking your creative side with your
academic side will create a mnemonic device, a memory aid you can use to
summon the knowledge on test day and beyond.