Dear Faculty Advisor,
We are very excited to invite you to participate in Huamei-Bond International College's 2015 Model United Nations conference to be held at the Guangzhou Ritz-Carlton from May 15-16 2015. Consider joining a group of future leaders from secondary schools around China.
Whether your school has experience with Model UN or not, we wish to welcome your participation. The cost of the conference will be 400 RMB, which includes two full days of events. Delegates and delegations will be responsible for arranging their own meals and accommodations.
Participants and delegations can register at http://www.hbicgz.org/mun. Countries and committees will be allocated according to delegates’ experience and time of registration. Nevertheless, we welcome delegates with no prior Model UN experience. Resources will be provided ahead of time to help students prepare, and there will be a review of basic conference procedures on the first morning.
A background guide and details about submitting position papers will be forthcoming after registration and payment. The conference topic and committee agendas are listed below.
Conference Topic: Combatting the Rise of Global Terrorism
Security Council: Discussing armed intervention against the Islamic State (IS)
Agenda A: Addressing the rise of IS
Agenda B: Iraqi Kurdistan Statehood
General Assembly: Addressing the growth of global terrorism
Agenda A: Discussing a strategy to discourage recruitment to terrorist groups
Agenda B: Discussing strategies to cut off funding to terrorist groups
Media Press Center
Represent an internationally regarded newspaper and report on the conference events
Please don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.
Graham Noble
Faculty Advisor
BA - York University
BEd - University of Toronto
MA - University of Bath (2015)
OCT - Ontario College of Teachers
Irene Chen
Secretary General
Class of 2015
hbicgz.org/mun mun@hbicgz.org